Authorized car service unitsand Romanians’ confidence

A study recently conducted by a troubleshooting service provider for electronic products and IT shows that 9 out of 10 Romanians prefer to repair their faulty electronic appliances in an authorized service unit. The study participants consider the duration of the repair and its price more important than the recommendations of friends or family when calling for an authorized service unit.

When faced with a failure, 75% of consumers check that the product is still under warranty, 57% call directly the service unit recommended by the manufacturer and only 29% call on acquaintances or on an "all-rounder", according to the study.
The topic and the results of the study reminded us of two articles published not long ago by ProMotor (here and here), that debated on the Romanians’ perception regarding car service units. It seems that changing the product category and the difference between the purchase prices also determines differences in the behavior and the costs for the use and maintenance of those products.

But it is not only about that. The key, we believe, is in the quality and warranties offered by the authorized service units, regardless of the type of products they repair.

Whether it is electronics, cars or motorcycles, the authorized services must comply with a series of regulations set by the manufacturer regarding the duration of the repair, the quality of the parts and the workmanship, the conduct and the transparency of the service personnel towards the client. On their turn, manufacturers provide to owners a set-off system and a feedback mechanism regarding the services they receive, so as to ensure that the authorized service unit corresponds to the standards of the brand.

Moreover, it is a general fact that faulty products under warranty benefit from free repairs in authorized service units and that, in many cases, the manufacturer is able to offer the owner a replacement product during the repairs.

Authorized services are one of the most important links between manufacturer and client after the conclusion of the purchase transaction and a considerable image vector for the former. This is why an authorized service unit will always have to be prepared to provide the best quality and the best experience for the user, at the right price for the respective brand.
And, despite the isolated experiences that some clients had, both the market, and the consumers, started assimilating these reasons and trust them. After all, how good is an "all-rounder" nowadays?