#RIApeople from the Alarm Station

Many of us associate the idea of a call center with a place where tens, maybe hundreds of operators spend their days in a routine activity, tied to their headset and to a scenario that they repeat to each client that they talk with. We all had this feeling at least once, when we were called by a sales agent who presented us an offer or even when we were in the situation of asking a helpdesk for assistance.

Well, at Nova RIA24, there is no call center. Our daily activity is built around the emergency situations in different areas, from Romania and from the world, and the departure point in the help that we provide to our clients is a complex one. It requires the presence of spirit, the speed of reaction, a lot of empathy and, last but not least, solid knowledge about the network we operate in, the quality procedures and standards we work with. (It looks more like what happens when you call 112, doesn't it?)

Therefore, each Nova RIA24 assistance case begins at the Alarm Center. Road incidents, failures on the road or medical emergencies are all situations that involve emergency solutions. Because we work with people and we have to make sure that we restore to them, in the shortest time possible, the comfort that they need to proceed further.

That is why our colleagues at the Alarm Center are the first resource we invest in. Together with the NOVA RIA24 network of providers, they are the reason why we pride ourselves with a client satisfaction rate that is very close to 100%. They are open, creative in finding solutions to the most complex problems, rigorous and attentive to details, empathetic and good communicators. Ever since we only communicated by telephone and telex with our clients, the "assistance" people were always prepared to respond quickly to emergency situations, wherever and whenever they happened. And at the same time, they always knew how to form a team, be positive and create a state of mind that turns every day into an adventure.