What is ... home examination?

This month, under the heading #glosarNovaRIA24, we set our attention on another important area of our activity, medical assistance.

Our clients are provided with a complex portfolio of medical services through our national network of partners, and one of these services is home examination.

In the national health insurance system, patients can benefit from home visits based on the recommendation of the family doctor or of the attending doctor in the outpatient clinic or during the period of hospitalization. The duration and nature of home care are regulated according to criteria established by the authorities in reference to the diagnosis of the patient, and in the general opinion, this type of services is intended only for certain categories of patients (the elderly or those who are immobilized due to chronic diseases).

In reality, however, the restrictions make this system ineffective for many patients, given that they do not have immediate access to the family doctor or the problem they face is not defined as an emergency. (According to the Special Telecommunications Service, approximately 65% of the calls made to the unique number 112 do not point out emergencies. *)

Thus, the patients’ need to be treated promptly in any situation has led to the emergence of alternatives - both in Romania and in other countries, where the public health system benefits from other standards and prerogatives. Our alternative is based on the belief that everyone should have access to quality medical care in the shortest time.

Regardless of whether the patient's symptoms indicate an emergency situation, whether he is at home or away, whether he is immobilized or not, the medical visit at home is the equivalent of an emergency examination. The difference lies in the wider range of conditions for which interventions are authorized and, very importantly, in the increased comfort of the patient. Let us give some examples: even if it is not considered a medical emergency, a sub-febrile condition or a low blood pressure creates a discomfort that often prevents us from going to the doctor or hospital for examination. The medical visit to the home responds to the need for investigations and therapeutic approach, in a time as short as the intervention of an ambulance, but in a larger number of cases and without the patient having to leave his home to be diagnosed.

We guarantee for the quality of the medical act in every corner of the country our patients would be: we have built the strongest network of partners for medical services, and the doctors we work with benefit of the experience of the high standards of private health networks from Romania. As for comfort and efficiency, these are the first things we have in mind every time we take on a new case. For us, it is easy, why shouldn't it be for you too?

* Source here.