What is...roadside assistance

Most of us associate the concept of assistance with the medical or social servicessphere. We must now forget, however, that to assist means, in general, to be by someone’s side in order to help them in a problematic situation, be it legal, educational endeavors or of any other nature.

If you have ever had a flat tire, while traveling long distance or in the city, surely you tried to solve the problem with your own resources and, if they failed, you turned to acquaintances or called on a specialized towing service to help you transport your car to the car service units. But, since you are now reading these lines, we have a short imagination exercise for you.

What would have happened if you were in a hurry to reach an important meeting in another city? Or if you had the whole family or a group of friends with you in the car to take care of? Or if you were simply not convinced that the towing solution you found was completely safe and suitable for your car? (We do not add horror movie scenarios here, with failures in remote places, in the middle of the harshest winter and without a mobile or data connection - although, statistically, this happens every once in a while...)

In short, there are situations that a simple tow truck cannot solve - situations involving people and their needs. For this reason, the concept of roadside assistance often means more than a transport on the towing platform or a towing.

A roadside assistance intervention begins with a detailed description of the problem that you are faced with and the context in which you find yourself. Thus, the operator who takes your call will know which is the best technical solution for your car (on-site troubleshooting or transport to the nearest authorized car service units) and the most comfortable solution for the other passengers. Perhaps you are forced to continue your journey at once, while your car is going to the car service units, or maybe you need overnight accommodation, while you wait for repairs to be completed, or your car may need to be delivered to another city different from where the car service units is. For each of these cases - and for others - there is a solution that a roadside assistance service will provide.

If you worry about the costs, you must know that they are always fair, because a roadside assistance company has a network of certified providers and collaborators. Whether we are talking about the towing itself or about related services (accommodation, replacement vehicle, coach, train or plane tickets, transporting the car back home, etc.), you have the guarantee that everything is going as it should and at fair prices.

Are you convinced yet? (Roadside) assistance has nothing to do with the bureaucracy or the institutions of the state, but it has a lot to do with you.