The protection of your personal data is important for us, particularly when it comes to managing and processing them. Therefore, Nova RIA24 Servicii SRL complies with the following provisions:

Consent to use data

By entering your personal data, you authorize us to store this data and use it in the assistance process in case of an incident making the object of the contracted subscriptions. We will request, store and use only that data which is absolutely necessary to carry out the interventions.

Transfer of data to a third party

We do not transfer your data to third parties. Exceptions are the cases mentioned below, which refer to "data protection in case of an incident covered by assistance services".

Data collection and storage

The following data will be collected and stored:

- personal data (client's name, address, telephone number and e-mail address)

- information about the vehicle (registration number, chassis series)

Use of cookies

Nova RIA24 Servicii SRL uses temporary and permanent cookies, exclusively for the purpose of obtaining statistical data regarding the visitors of this website. This data allows our system to recognize you when you return to our site and not to register a new visitor. We will not use cookies for other purposes.

Security in processing personal data

We are concerned about the protection against loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, modification and deletion of data. We use the SSL system (Secure Socket Layer) to processand transmit that data.

Data integrity

Your personal data is processed exclusively for the purpose and procedures for which it was requested. That is why we ensure that the data we receive is correct, complete and up-to-date, in order to ensure the contracted interventions.

Data protection in case of an incident covered by the assistance services

In the event of an incident requiring assistance interventions, personal data is stored and transmitted to the provider, as much as necessary, in order to fulfilthe obligations in the service contract. For the good execution of interventions, information may be requested from third parties or they may request information from Nova RIA24 Servicii SRL. The consent for these measures remains valid even after the completion of the intervention, respectively at the end of the contract relationship. Nova RIA24 Servicii SRL can communicate, on request, the addresses of the recipients of this information.

Application of and compliance with data protection statements

Nova RIA24 Servicii SRL binds itself to comply with the provisions regarding data protection, as previously described.

For questions or suggestions regarding data protection on our web page, please write to us in the Contact section.